Welcome to our Cannabis Dictionary page. Here, we try to give the definition to as many terms and slang used by cannabis growers as we can. There is over 150 different word here, each with a definition to explain what it means.
If you are looking for a word that isn’t on this list, then please let us know! Get in touch by posting a comment at the bottom of this thread or message admin via the contact form. We will add any terms we think is necessary to cannabis growing.
Please feel free to click any of the letter below to jump to that section on the list.
Cannabis Dictionary
- 18/6: Time normally associated with the vegetative stage of growth i.e. 18 hours of light to 6 of darkness, per day.
- 24/0: Lighting on constantly with no dark period.
- 12/12: Timing used to initiate the flowering stage of a cannabis plant indoors. For example, 12 hours light and 12 hours darkness.
- Aerobic Decomposition: Breakdown of organic matter in the presence of oxygen.
- Aeroponic Cloning: Cloning method using a misting system.
- Aeroponics: Growing plants in an air/mist environment without a growing medium.
- Air Pot: Container with holes to enhance root health through air pruning.
- Amendments: Substances added to soil or growing media to improve its physical or chemical properties, often including materials like perlite, vermiculite, or organic matter.
- Autoflowering: Cannabis strains that automatically transition from vegetative to flowering regardless of light conditions.
- Auxins: Plant hormones promoting growth and root development.
- AVB (Already Vaped Bud): The residual cannabis material left after vaporizing, often repurposed for edibles or tinctures due to its decarboxylated state.
- BHO (Butane Hash Oil): Concentrate made using butane extraction.
- Bract: A leaf-like structure at the base of a cannabis flower. It can be covered in tiny resinous glands (trichomes) and contributes to the overall structure of the bud.
- Bubble Bags: Specialized filtration bags used in the process of making bubble hash. These bags contain different-sized screens to separate trichomes from plant material, resulting in a concentrated and potent cannabis extract.
- Bud Burn: Damage usually caused by excessively high temperatures such as plants touching lights or heaters.
- Bud Rot: Fungal infection affecting cannabis flowers.
- Bud Sites: Areas on a cannabis plant where buds develop.
- Calyx: The part of the cannabis flower that protects the developing seeds. It’s where you often see small hair-like structures called pistils.
- Canoeing: A term used when cannabis leaves develop a canoe-like shape, often caused by excessive light or heat stress, resulting in raised edges.
- Cannabinol (CBN): A cannabinoid with mild psychoactive effects.
- Cannabinoid Receptors: Receptors in the human body that interact with cannabinoids.
- Cannabinoids: Chemical compounds found in cannabis, including THC and CBD.
- Cannabis Cup: Prestigious cannabis competition.
- Cannabis Cultivar: A specific strain or variety of cannabis.
- Cannabis Ruderalis: A lesser-known cannabis species with autoflowering characteristics.
- Carbon Filter: Removes smell by “scrubbing” organic matter from the air.
- CBD (Cannabidiol): Non-psychoactive compound in cannabis with various medicinal properties.
- CBDA (Cannabidiolic Acid): The precursor to CBD.
- CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp): Fluorescent lights used for growing.
- Cloning: Propagating cannabis plants by taking cuttings from a mother plant.
- CO2 Enrichment: Supplementing carbon dioxide to enhance plant growth.
- COB LED: Chip on Board Light Emitting Diode for efficient and powerful lighting.
- Coco: Short for coconut coir, a popular soilless growing medium made from the husk of coconuts, often used in hydroponic and soilless cannabis cultivation.
- Companion Plants: Plants grown alongside cannabis to enhance growth or deter pests.
- Compost: Decomposed organic matter used as a nutrient-rich soil amendment to enhance soil structure and fertility.
- Curing: The process of drying and aging harvested cannabis buds.
- Dabbing: Inhaling vaporized cannabis concentrates.
- Deep Water Culture (DWC): Hydroponic system where plant roots are submerged in nutrient-rich water. Usually in deep water, hence the name.
- Decarboxylation: The process of activating cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, by heating cannabis.
- Dispensary: Legal retail store selling cannabis products.
- Ebb and Flow System: A type of hydroponic system where nutrient-rich water periodically floods and drains the growing medium to deliver nutrients to cannabis plants.
- Edibles: Cannabis-infused food products.
- Endocannabinoid System (ECS): A biological system in the human body that interacts with cannabinoids, influencing various physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis.
- Ethanol Extraction: A method of extracting cannabinoids and other compounds from cannabis using ethanol as a solvent.
- Fan Leaves: Large leaves on the cannabis plant.
- FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil): A concentrated cannabis oil that retains a wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds. FECO is often produced using high-proof alcohol as a solvent and is used for medicinal purposes.
- Feminized Seeds: Seeds engineered to produce only female plants.
- Fermentation: Controlled decomposition of organic matter to enhance soil health.
- Fertilizer: A substance or mixture containing essential nutrients that plants require for growth and development.
- FIM (F*ck, I Missed): A pruning technique similar to topping, aiming to encourage multiple bud sites.
- Flavonoids: Cannabis compounds responsible for color and aroma.
- Flower Room: Dedicated space for the flowering stage.
- Flowering Stage: The phase when cannabis plants produce flowers.
- Flush: Flushing plants with water to remove excess salts and nutrients.
- Foliar Feeding: Applying nutrients directly to the leaves.
- Genotype: Genetic makeup of a plant.
- Germination: The process of sprouting cannabis seeds.
- Gorilla Grow Tent: A popular brand of grow tents.
- Green Thumb: A person with a natural talent for growing plants.
- Guerilla Growing: Illegal, outdoor cultivation in hidden or remote locations.
- Hardening Off: Gradual acclimatization of plants to outdoor conditions.
- Hash: Concentrated cannabis product made from resin.
- Heat Stress: Stress the plant experiences when it is living in temperatures that are too hot and humid.
- Hemp: Cannabis plant with low THC content, used for industrial purposes.
- Herbicide: Substance used to control or kill unwanted plants.
- Hermaphrodite: A cannabis plant with both male and female reproductive organs.
- HPS (High-Pressure Sodium): A type of grow light.
- Hybrid: A cannabis strain bred from both indica and sativa plants, combining characteristics of both.
- Hydroponics: Growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions.
- Hygrometer: Instrument for measuring humidity and temperature in the grow room.
- Indica: A type of cannabis strain known for its relaxing effects and shorter stature.
- Insecticidal Soap: A natural and mild pesticide used to control certain pests on cannabis plants.
- Internode: The space between two nodes on the stem of a cannabis plant, where leaves, branches, or buds emerge.
- IPM (Integrated Pest Management): An environmentally friendly approach to pest control in cannabis cultivation that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical strategies to manage pest populations effectively while minimizing environmental impact.
- Irrigation: The process of providing water to cannabis plants, often using various systems like drip irrigation or soaker hoses.
- Isolate: A pure form of a specific cannabinoid, such as CBD isolate or THC isolate, extracted from the cannabis plant.
- Jiffy Pellets: Compressed peat moss pellets used for seed starting.
- Joint: A cannabis cigarette rolled with rolling papers.
- Juicing (Cannabis): The consumption of raw cannabis leaves or buds, often done for potential health benefits without experiencing the psychoactive effects.
- Kief: The fine, powdery substance that accumulates from trichomes.
- KNF (Korean Natural Farming): A natural and sustainable farming practice that originated in Korea, emphasizing the use of indigenous microorganisms, fermented plant extracts, and other organic inputs to enhance soil health and promote plant growth.
- Kush: A popular strain of cannabis known for its relaxing effects.
- LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria): Beneficial bacteria used in Korean Natural Farming (KNF) and other organic cultivation methods. LAB promotes soil health, nutrient availability, and overall plant vitality.
- Landrace: Original, locally adapted cannabis strains.
- Larfy Buds: Less dense, lower-quality cannabis buds.
- Larvae: Young, immature insects, particularly those that may harm cannabis plants.
- Limonene: A citrus-scented terpene with potential mood-enhancing properties.
- Lollipopping: Pruning technique where lower foliage is removed to focus energy on top buds.
- LST (Low-Stress Training): Manipulating plant growth without causing stress to increase yields.
- Lumens: Measurement of light intensity visible to the human eye.
- Mainlining: A high-stress training (HST) technique used to create a symmetrical and flat canopy by pruning and training the cannabis plant to encourage even growth and maximize light exposure to bud sites.
- Marijuana: A colloquial term commonly used to refer to the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis plant, typically consumed for recreational or medicinal purposes
- Medium: The material or substance in which cannabis plants are grown, including soil, coco coir, or other soilless mixes.
- Monster Cropping: A high-stress training technique involving taking clones from flowering plants, resulting in bushier growth with multiple bud sites.
- Mother Plant: A healthy and mature cannabis plant kept for the sole purpose of producing clones for propagation.
- Mycorrhizae: Symbiotic fungi that form a relationship with plant roots.
- Myrcene: A terpene with relaxing and sedative effects.
- Neem Oil: Natural pesticide for controlling pests.
- Node: The point on the stem where leaves or branches grow.
- No Till: A cultivation method where the soil is left undisturbed, promoting a healthy soil ecosystem with minimal disruption to microbial life
- NPK Ratio: Proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in fertilizers.
- Nutrient Burn: Damage caused to cannabis leaves due to excessive nutrients in the grow medium.
- Nutrient Ratio: The balance of different nutrients in a fertilizer.
- Organic Growing: Cultivating cannabis using natural and organic inputs without synthetic chemicals.
- Organic Tea: A liquid fertilizer or microbial solution made by steeping compost, worm castings, or other organic materials in water to create a nutrient-rich mixture for plants.
- Ozone Generator: Device used to generate ozone for air purification in grow rooms.
- Outdoor Cultivation: Growing cannabis plants in an open, outdoor environment.
- Oxidation: Chemical reaction that can degrade the quality of cannabis over time, especially during storage.
- Overwatering: Providing excessive water to cannabis plants, potentially causing root-related issues.
- PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation): The spectrum of light wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers that plants use for photosynthesis. PAR is crucial for plant growth and development, and it is often measured in micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m²/s).
- Perpetual Harvest: Continuous cultivation to ensure a steady supply of cannabis.
- Pest Management: Strategies to control and prevent pests.
- pH Down/Up: Substances to adjust the pH level of water or growing medium.
- pH Level: The acidity or alkalinity of the growing medium, crucial for nutrient absorption.
- pH Meter: Instrument for measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
- Phenotype: The observable characteristics or traits of a cannabis plant resulting from its genetics. This includes features such as height, color, aroma, and flower structure
- Photoperiod: The term used for cannabis plants that react to the light cycle they are grown under. For example, plants that will veg under 18/6, but flower under 12/12.
- Praying: A term used to describe the upward curling of cannabis leaves toward the light source during the vegetative stage, indicating healthy and vigorous growth.
- Pistils: Hair-like structures on female cannabis flowers. They will usually be white as the plant grows, and turn brown or orange as the plant matures.
- PPM (Parts Per Million): A unit of measurement representing the concentration of a substance in a solution, commonly used to measure nutrient levels in water for cannabis cultivation.
- Powdery Mildew: Fungal growth on leaves, resembling white powder.
- Predatory Insects: Beneficial insects used to control pests.
- Quarantine: Isolating new plants to prevent the spread of pests or diseases.
- Reservoir: Container holding nutrient solution in hydroponic systems.
- Resin: Sticky substance on cannabis flowers containing cannabinoids and terpenes.
- RO Water: Reverse osmosis-filtered water, free from impurities.
- Root Bound: Condition where a plant’s roots outgrow its container.
- Root Rot: Fungal infection affecting the roots.
- Rooting Hormone: Substance promoting root development in cuttings.
- Rosin: Cannabis concentrate extracted using heat and pressure.
- RSO (Rick Simpson Oil): A type of concentrated cannabis oil named after Rick Simpson, known for promoting its potential medicinal benefits. RSO is often made using a solvent like isopropyl alcohol and is claimed to have high levels of cannabinoids.
- Run to Waste: Hydroponic system where nutrient solution is not recirculated.
- Runoff: Excess water draining from the bottom of containers.
- Sativa: A type of cannabis strain associated with energizing effects and taller plants.
- Scrog (Screen of Green): A training technique using a screen to control plant growth and maximize light exposure.
- Sea of Green (SOG): Growing method maximizing space by flowering numerous small plants.
- Seed Bank: Repository for storing and preserving cannabis seeds.
- Seedling: Young cannabis plant grown from a germinated seed.
- Soil/Super Soil: The natural medium in which plants grow, or a specially prepared soil mix enriched with organic amendments to provide nutrients for the entire growth cycle.
- Spider Mites: Tiny arachnids that can infest and damage cannabis plants.
- Sprouting: The initial growth stage of a cannabis plant when it first emerges from the seed or the grow medium.
- Sugar Leaf: The small, resinous leaves that surround and protect the flowers (buds) of the cannabis plant. These leaves are often coated with trichomes, containing cannabinoids and terpenes.
- Super Cropping: Bending and breaking branches to increase overall plant health and yield. This is a high stress training technique.
- TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): Measures the concentration of dissolved solids in a solution.
- Terpenes: Aromatic compounds in cannabis responsible for its distinctive smell and taste.
- Terpinolene: A terpene with antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.
- THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol): Psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” in cannabis.
- THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid): Non-psychoactive precursor to THC.
- THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol): A recently discovered cannabinoid.
- THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin): A cannabinoid with potential appetite-suppressant properties.
- Topical: Cannabis-infused creams or balms applied to the skin.
- Topping: Removing the top of a cannabis plant to encourage lateral growth.
- Transplanting: Moving plants from one container to another. Usually done when a plant outgrows its pot.
- Trichomes: Small, resinous glands on cannabis flowers that contain cannabinoids and terpenes.
- Trimming: Removing excess leaves and stems from harvested buds.
- Ultra Violet (UV) Light: Light spectrum that can influence cannabis potency.
- Vaporizer: Device for inhaling cannabis vapor without combustion.
- Vegetative Stage: The growth phase where cannabis plants develop leaves and branches.
- Veg Room: Dedicated space for the vegetative stage of cannabis plants.
- Vegging: Slang for the vegetative growth stage of cannabis plants.
- Ventilation: The process of exchanging air to control temperature and humidity.
- VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit): A measure of the difference between the actual vapor pressure in the air and the saturation vapor pressure at a given temperature. VPD is an important factor in optimizing plant transpiration and nutrient uptake, contributing to overall plant health and growth.
- Watering Schedule: Planned intervals for watering plants.
- Wind Burn: Damage caused by excessive wind.
- Water Cure: A method of flushing and curing cannabis buds by submerging them in water, which some believe results in a smoother smoking experience
- Xerophyte: A plant adapted to survive in arid conditions.
- Xylem and Phloem: Vascular tissues responsible for nutrient transport.
- Yield: The amount of cannabis harvested from a plant.
- Zero Tillage: Growing without disturbing the soil.
Cannabis Dictionary Updates
Do you think we are missing anything from the cannabis dictionary? This is a pretty long list, but there is always something missing. If you have any suggestions for things we should add, please get in touch, we appreciate your help.
In the meantime, I hope the cannabis dictionary has helped you figure out what some of the terms cannabis growers use, means. It can be intimidating for new growers to learn all of these terms, but over time you will know them all. You can always refer back to our cannabis dictionary at anytime if you find a word that you don’t know the meaning of.
Great info @macky 👍
How about FECO and RSO
Brilliant! Thanks for this. Like @im_sparky said a great resource for new growers like me 🙏🏻
This is a great resource – especially for a new grower like me
Very nice additions, thanks everyone 🙂 All have been added
Nice one @macky, very useful.
Bubble Bags
No Till
Organic Tea
Soil/Super Soil
What is PAR & VPD?
mainlining????? is a technique that helps your plant focus its full energy supply on just a few branches instead of a whole bush. If done right, all colas will develop similarly and blossom into an abundant harvest.
Google definition lol
Was surprised not to see “sugar leaf" on there
@yoshi added, thanks mate 🙂
Great Idea!
I just thought Monster Cropping, Stomata, Praying (upward pointing leaves) and Canoeing could be useful on there
Is this intended to be a complete list. I don’t see Calyx or Bract on there
@sevans1965 Added, thanks man 🙂
What’s AVB ?
NiCE ONE, @Macky! This will help a lot of new growers. Vocab is key to concepts.