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2nd, 3rd gen plants

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I was talking with a mate this arvo over a J or two and he mentioned 2nd or more plants. I've never heard of it so I asked, because it the only way we learn. He the told me that when he grew, he would strip the bud flip the lights back to 18 to 20 and put the plant back into veg the flower again. 

I would have that it would stress the plant into Hermie. I didn't ask if so, it only crossed my mind then. 

So my question to everyone is, has anyone ever tried this method?

Posted : March 6, 2020 8:28 am
Zombie Nation, Canna_Educator_, Hart and 9 people reacted
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@yoda you are referring to re-vegging a plant or monster cropping. Some do it for another harvest which is generally significantly smaller than the first but most I know use it to get the plant to grow again so they can cut clones. It is stressful to the plant but since the buds are harvested your crop is safe. Never known any to herm but it’s possible. Only done it twice just to see and the re-veg can take a while so if you try be patient. I just put the pot with the stump on our outside deck and waited for new shoots to start then moved it into the tent. It was a bit risky that way because you can pick up bugs outside and bring em in the tent but I got lucky 

Random acts of kindness make the world a better place

Posted : March 6, 2020 1:51 pm
Zombie Nation, Yoda, Canna_Educator_ and 15 people reacted

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