hey all,
I know this isn't about growing per say but it is kinda got to do with the ambiance while growing ?
I'm having some problems with internet in the garage/shed. my problem is the router is like 50-60 meters away from the tent with 3 walls and a roller shutter in its way, and i can get nothing done while in the garage. I also have a camera i want to set up in the tent just so i can keep an eye on the girls when ever i feel like it, and Alexa is just no good to me with out interweb lol, has anyone got a good quick and cheap option that would get me around this conundrum.
you could try a external WIFI adapter with a removable antenna then add a yagi style antenna for better range
Network Adaptor
just choose these to show one that you could switch antennas on
Sativa to change the things I can, Indica to accept the things I can’t.
i think the second one is my best option that twisted ? ?
I needed the wifi adapter so I had a place to connect the antenna so i could receive the signal from the router but if you have a place on the router to attach the antenna you could use it to send the signal out to the garage, the Yagi style antenna is directional so you can point it in the direction you need it.
Sativa to change the things I can, Indica to accept the things I can’t.
yea i think the yagi would be best, plus i can just drill a quick hole and plug and play with any luck. project for the weekend me's think
I hope you find the solution you need there is always a way.
Sativa to change the things I can, Indica to accept the things I can’t.
plus i can just drill a quick hole and plug and play with any luck
any shit like this speak to ZN mate he is our interior designer lol. A trusted advisor, especially on these matters. He will have the best solution for you
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If power in garage comes from same supply as your router, a pair of powerline extenders would work better...plug one in near router and plug router into it...plug the other in garage...job done 😉 and no drilling
Feebay No. 352880601995 for some cheap BT ones
Haha thanks buddy a freebie is always welcome, the garage us it’s own fuse board but not meter so, it must be connected I’ll pick one up over the next few days and give it a try. ???
some good advice there. So this is what I bought tp-link originally I purchased two but one was enough. My whole property is lit up with security camera everywhere. They say up to 13km range but realistically 1km is quite reliable. I have also installed these for various businesses like trailer parks/camp grounds etc ...
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