Hi there, I was taking some photos of my girls and I noticed some deficiencies on the Blackberry Moonrocks leaves. Any thoughts and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
2 x 4 tent
280w evo 3
canna a/b, rhizo, cannazym.;'
What about your Cal/Mag??? Coco grows need to have it added every feeding to keep both the plant as well as the coco happy. Without it your media is stealing the calcium from the plant to keep itself balanced.
Edit, you posted about 30 seconds before I did.. Cal mag needs to be included in every feeding. If you only feed it occasionally it can cause you big problems
a/b 2.3ml/L cannazym 2ml/L rhizo 2ml/L
they also just got a dose of cal mag 2ml
This is a lot mate...... I use canna nuits, and with a n b, I only ever give them max 1.5 ml per litre. Then with the cannazym and rhizo, its getting a lot.... reduce the cannazym and rhizo to 1ml per litre, that will still be plenty. 2ml of calmag sounds good. Go for 1.8 ml per litre for the a n b too i think......
ph at 5.8 😉
Before you do this, what is the EC of your feed when its all mixed up. Thats gotta be up there 2.5-2.8?
going forward the girls will be getting calmag every feeding. I've got them in Canna Coco 3gal pots...how much and how often should I be feeding them? Right now there getting 1 L in the morning every day.
@macky When i feed them....I'm getting alot more than 10% run off...it's more like 50%
That sounds a lot, when doing a grow in a 5 gallon final pots for each plant, with a 80/20 coco/perlite mix, the medium wasn't filled anywhere near the top of the fabric pots I grew in. I fed them well over 5 litres each day, sometimes split twice a day rather than once and got around 10% run off, no where near 1 litre run off 50% you have.
Not sure what is going on here. I see you pots are in plastic not fabric from the picture? I am not sure if that would make a difference? Next time I am going to use air pots as I bought them years ago but have never used them yet.
EDIT: Also with a lot of EC, you will get salt blockage with each run off too, which I guess logically should in fact slow down the run off I would thing? Although it may decrease the oxygen getting to the medium? That's just a theory but I know when my EC was too high I always got white salts on the sides and bottoms of my fabric pots.
Cal Mag also helps the roots eat the fed nutrients, if its not in every watering the nutrients will feed the coco rather than the root system. I believe its something to do with osmosis, but not sure on that TBH if I am thinking that is the reason they don't feed the roots.
Although that may have been for transplanting (or both) when I come to think about it. So when transplanting the medium in the previous pot and the next pot should have the same EC, nutrient ratio, pH, saturation and temperature to produce almost zero transplant shock to the plants.
It does look a bit like calmag deficiency. Watering coco once a day is probably too infrequent. You do make up for it with ample flushing, but I think the idea is the more fluid hanging around the roots, the better the plant drinks. I water mine every 6 hours using a pump and timer.
To me, 2ml/l of calmag sounds high, it is twice what I use. Having said that I just went through some calmag issues myself, so I'm not throwing stones. I'm probably using too little.
I know this is my 1st coco grow, but it's becoming a weird one. All the giant fan leaves on the Kush Mints are twisting and when I water in 1L, my run off is 600ml(both plants)...my coco doesn't want to dry out. I'm seeing some green on the perlite...I'm thinking it might be some algae. My humidity is a steady 60% and my temp is always around 27C give or take a degree. So i cut the giant fan leaves off because they were bigger than my hand anyways and I'm gonna go a couple days without watering. any thoughts and or suggestions?
Interesting one maybe post a message for the live chat in 45 minutes linking back to your problem. It might be answered.
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I'm gonna go a couple days without watering
Don’t do that, mate! Coco needs to be kept wet at all times. Not watering for a couple of days will cause you more problems.
Your plants don’t look too bad at all, mate; you’re doing a great job.
I’ve got to do the show now, so I don’t have time to go into too much detail here. But do me a favor: list exactly what you do when you’re making your plants' food.
How many liters? How many ml per liter? Are you checking pH? What temperature is the water? Everything you can think of.
I think you’re using too much stuff, to be honest. Keep it simple. At this stage, you only need A and B with some Cal-Mag. Everything else is not needed and will just cause issues if not used correctly.
But don’t stop watering them, bro. That’s not how coco works.
Don’t worry about the algae either, that’s normal. If it concerns you, point a fan at the top of the coco, and it’ll dry out faster, so you won’t see the algae.
If I were you, I’d drop everything except A and B, with Cal-Mag. That’s all I use throughout veg, and my plants do fine. It’s easy to overcomplicate things But don’t worry, we can get you on track. Just give me as much info as possible, and we’ll get it figured out!
Yep, don't overcomplicate thing on your first grow. I literally tried everything once I learnt them on my first successful grow, although I didn't mind that I lost 1/2 my original crop in the process, it gave me practical experience and I learnt from my mistakes. I had 4 other grows before which failed to reach harvest. I went into the real technical stuff without enough practical skills at the time on my first real grow. Read other grow diaries that go into detail, they will help you more than a written or spoken guide. YouTube videos are good, but there is a lot of BS out there too.
TBH, I will grow now the way I feel comfortable, not how anyone tells me, but a mix of learning from many people, guides and books. I have been on a few forums on growing, some basic, some technical, some in the middle and learnt a lot from each. As most books tell you, grow how you want, not stick exactly to what someone has told you. Its a hobby, have fun with it and experiment as you get more practice.
Percy's is a great site, it teaches you those ideologies and the Podcasts and live YouTube show on Sunday's are great. They cover almost everything from beginners to experiences grows and you can ask questions on the forum or in the chat which will be answered in the live shows, even if you aren't there to listen to them, you can watch them again after. Participation is probably the best key to learning I think too and get different ideas from different people.
One more thing, @macky said, your plant looks fine. I don't see a problem from the pictures you posted as well.
Also do have more than one EC meter to double check your EC. I recommend buying at least 2-3 if you are using cheap ones to triple check.
Old ones can also degrade and might have been good in the past, but it's like a mobile phone or laptop these days, they don't last for long. I don't really trust the ones that say they auto calibrate. I don't believe that's possible. Just my 2 pence worth ... Take it like a grain of salt if you want
coco is still moist from the day before
Twice a day watering is the minimum for coco. You want it always wet.
I water every 6 hours, getting 20% runoff each time. That's a fair bit of solution.
I'm curious about the no more recharge though?
It is just because I don't use it mate, and I wouldn't know how to correctly dose that for the feed. I find keeping it simple is the best way to go as it reduces the chances of things going wrong.
With foods like recharge, you need bacteria in the medium to eat it to make it plant available I think, and coco is mostly a sterile medium, there isn't a lot of bacteria in it like you would have for a soil grow for example.
So I am not sure how much you should give, how often and even if it would make a difference. But I am sure about the a n b with calmag working well, because it works well for me
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