Hey there growing in soil feed nuits at roughly 25percent of recommended dose. Just one plant has purple stems any ideas guys? Thanks heaps
Couple of extras too showing the other plants.
Ps clicked solved by accident
one plant has purple stems any ideas guys?
Purple stems are a sign of missing Phosphorus.
one of those colas there is like turning a dull brown/ grey colour, this concerns me as it could be bud rot.
Can you get a close pic of that bud for me please mate?
Maybe its just the purpleness. But keep a close eye on things there!
They look hungry for some PK too mate, I agree with James. This will cause the leaves to dry out too as they P and K will be taken from the leaves to feed the buds. As more and more are taken, then leaves start to look pale. Also, thin blades on the leaves is a classic sign of potassium def.
Let us know what youre feeding, and how much per litre and we will see if that can be improved
Ok mate, there is a lot to go over here. We might have to start from the beginning to get this sorted
It seems like way too much food, which can cause salt build up, also the pH has been way too high, for foil you should try and get the ph to 6.5 for best result, anything up to seven but things will start to go bad if its get too high.
You mentioned EC, do you have an EC meter? Because that will really help in this situation.
What i think has happened is you have over fed them, and you have salt build up in the medium, and the ph is off, so the plant cant eat properly, no matter how much you feed it.
I think the best plan of action would be for a big flush to get the salts out of the soil. Then re feed at a lower dosage.
I would go for something like, 1.5 ml of the general a n b per litre, and maybe 1.5 ml per litre of the bloom booster a n b
Look at the top of the chart you have posted mate and you will see that feeding ration is for tomatoes. Cannabis is a herb and doesnt need half as much food as a tomato plant does. So over feeding will be the most likely cause of these problems
Flush, re feed ad a lower dose with ph 6.5 she will start to look much better in a couple of days
Throw them charts away now mate, you a member at Percys 😉 Each plant id different, you have to learn how to read what they want, and give more when they need it, and less when they have too much.
Less is more in this game, i never feed my plants more than 1.5ml per litre of a n b, and rarely over 1ml per litre of PK booster, and i get some nice grows. Keep it simple n shit, easier to fix and under fed plant than an over fed plant.
We can explain how it all works and youll be fine mate, its all a learning curve A lot of new growers stat off with overfeeding the plants. It a common mistake, but not a big one, so easily fixable after flush and refeed.
best way to tell if youre over/ under feeding is:
Mix your feed, and measure the EC, say it is 1.2
Feed the plants, and measure the Ec of the run off ( The water coming out of the pot)
If the EC of the run off is coming out higher than the feed going in, you're over feeding and the plant isnt eating everything you're giving it. This will build up over time and cause problems
If the EC of the run off is coming out lower than the feed, then the plant is using more than you're giving it, so you need to increase the dosage of the next feed.
Adjust the feed by 0.2 EC each feed until there is balance. Having the EC coming out 0.1-0.2 point higher then the feed going in is perfect.
I've read basically 30L of water through the pot which is 18L
Pretty much mate yes. Or flush until the EC of the run off is lower than your feed 😉
Plants like consistency, once you find the right level and hold it there, the plants will learn to work with it.
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