Should I worry? Mol...
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Should I worry? Mold? Heh..?

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Hello community,

I would love some feedback. First the pics:

20200822 IMG 3474
20200822 IMG 3473
20200822 IMG 3472
20200822 IMG 3475

It looks like mold to me, but honestly? I've never seen that before in any of my previos experiences. And as far as I rememeber and what I gather from my notes, I have all my basics covered. Still, fell free to ask any questions.

If it's not mold, what could it be? Either way, should I need to worry/act now?

I'd be thankful for any feedback.
Thanks brothers!

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I've seen this many times on soil that's kept damp. I don't know what the actual name of it is but the consensus is that its not harmful. Its a fungus feeding on the organic matter in the soil. Let the top of the soil dry a bit and it should go away. A light spray of any anti fungal like neem oil or something will also help get rid of it too. 

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@monkeydo thanks Moneky, thanks for your quick reply and for you taking the time to answer.

Since you think it's not hamrful i'll just leave it like it is and keep watching things. The pots feel rather light then heavy, so I'll probably water them tomorrow.
Let's just pretend they sprouted on a rather mild humid spring Bongin

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@galandil the fungus is a species of saprophytic fungus. Its widely considered harmless to healthy plants but neem oil will help eliminate it if you want to go that route. The accepted low impact treatment is to let the pots dry between watering and to increase air flow near the soil level. I've never had bad effects from this and it usually goes away when environmental conditions change. Perhaps someone else has other information but I would not panic. I like your plan, hit the bong and wait 



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