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Questions What’s this spotting coming from??

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I don’t know what I’m supposed to put here or feed frequency..:?? 

Temperature C/F : (Light on/off)
Picture of Problem


pH Level
EC / PPM / TDS of Feed

Soil is 7

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Can we see a pic of the whole plant please mate?

And what nutrients are you giving it? If its in living soil, you shouldn't be feeding it much

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Thank you for replying! I’m adding a 1/2 teaspoon cal/mag per gallon of water..

DD9FAEF0 08BC 4E89 8AE5 0464CEBB03DD
9E7B8EBC 623D 48BF 8D87 C8D5BA6CEB6B
261B566F 57C4 4363 A2A0 2C7F7A7D7F21


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I don’t ad anything else.. just reverse osmosis water and Cal removed link 1/2 teaspoon.. ph with cal/mag is 6-6.5

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You described the media as supersoil/coco coir. Did you mix the 2 and at what proportion of each if you made the mix. These 2 media usually are run very differently. Coco needs nutrients and Supersoil does not. The 2 also run at different ph levels. What I see looks like some ph problems possibly. Might need to find the happy place for this blended media. 


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Thanks for replying! I use 1 pound living soil and equal amount of Mothers Earth coco coir / Perlite mix to fill 1/3 of a 5 gallon smart pot removed link mix that together real good and fill the remaining 2/3 with coco coir mix.. that’s it. Ph of soil is 7 and water and cal/mag ph is 6.5

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Doing the math I get that the pot contains 5/6 coco and only 1/6 soil, someone can check my math it’s late here. In my opinion this mix needs to be run like coco. One very important thing is coco should always be kept wet, yours looks very dry. Coco should be watered daily. Coco also likes lower ph so I’d keep that ph in the 5.8 to 6.2 range. Coco also needs cal/mag on every watering as the coco alone has a tendency to lock up both of those nutrients. You are in uncharted waters for me, I keep my coco pure, but as your soil level is so low adapt coco grow practices and you have a better chance at success. You are also going to need some coco specific nutrient supplements for this grow as the soil fertility won’t last long. A decent EC meter will be very important if you continue to run coco. It is the main tool to fine tune the feed level of your grow.

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The math, yes close enough, the top is dry.. they’re  watered everyday with Cal removed link it’s not dry below the surface.. it’s just the way the air movement is.. I’ll have to check out the coco nutes:. Pretty sure it comes with them in it.. so need to invest in an EC meter! Really appreciate your insight and help! They’re growing very rapidly as autos do, the yellowed and brown spots worried me..

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Thank you very much for your time! Can never stop learning!

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hi mate 

Agree with Monkey do... if mostly coco treat as coco !

good luck bro 


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