Northern Lights Auto, Barney's Farm. Jack's 321 nutrients. Mammoth P. Great White micos. PowerSi. It is a lot shorter than the AutoGelato 33 or the NYC Diesel Auto I had. But the canopy is pretty even.
In the US every couple of years we have an election. The signs are everywhere. The wire in them is really strong and hard. Lol. So I took them, after it was all over of course, they are garbage at that point, and made me a six pointed wire frame to LST her with. She was too big and bushy for any other frame that would go over. The wire went in one section at a time from the sides.
Just starting to flower.
Wire horizontal trellis/tie down.
The Girl Scout Cookies did more than survive the great tumble of '22, they've caught up to the Northern Lights Auto! Some of the leaves are huge. I get my new reservoir next week. I think I might put her into the flower room then.
Not quite as big as my Flo og. She is officially a tree. 2 1/2 weeks in flower. Getting ready to lollipop. The whole left side shot past the light this time. The last clones I put in were nice and even, stretching just a little on the sides. But we have a 5 plant count so it's grow em big! Hopefully the GSC will do as well .
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