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Are plants treated with silver colloidal safe for edibles?

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I know you can't smoke or vape a plant that's been sprayed with silver colloidal (to force a female to produce pollen, thus creating fem seeds) but can you use it for edibles?

Silver colloidal is known to be beneficial when taken orally in the proper PPM dose.  Assume 30 PPM was used (lowest effective dose to create pollen) is the PPM content in the plant matter too high for edibles after days/weeks of multiple sprays per day (concentrated)? 


Posted : December 7, 2019 7:52 pm
Hart, White Widow, twisted1 and 18 people reacted
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I can not find any articles saying it is a negative thing, but rather how it does the body good. It does help heal wounds when used in a topical. Clears a person` lungs when smoked, but should be used in small doses like 5ppm according to this

Posted : December 8, 2019 1:16 am
Hart, White Widow, ScottishMac and 18 people reacted

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