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Old Landraces and preservation

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So I've been asking around in different forums and looking for a specific cultivar/strain 😉 from the 90's, the elusive Mexican Red Hair!

I was lead to a place where I found many people preserving old landraces like Oaxaca, Persherwar and Lambsbread!

I believe the one, after talking to many people, is Oaxaca and I've been able to get my hands on all 3 of these strains!

What's your guys thoughts on these older landraces? Also, these are big plants, low THC, so right in my wheel house for THC as I don't like the stuff that hits so hard, I loose hours hahaha..

~ Johncarlson21

Posted : November 29, 2023 4:01 pm
twisted1, Terppopotamus, mitsos and 1 people reacted
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@johncarlson21 IV never grown land race but love the look of them,the strains you have sound awsome and saving older strains is a must in my eyes,I'm currently researching all the older originals there to many cross breads now days 👍 great work growmie 👍

Posted : November 29, 2023 4:10 pm
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@firetop95 yeah man, I think that is what a lot of people think now, however, we've gotten some amazing crosses over time 😀 

I do think that these people doing the preservation are awesome people!

~ Johncarlson21

Posted : November 29, 2023 4:19 pm
twisted1, Terppopotamus, ShoddyFusion and 3 people reacted
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@johncarlson21 fully agree 👍

Posted : November 29, 2023 4:49 pm
twisted1, monkeydo, Terppopotamus and 2 people reacted
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@johncarlson21 If you are into this kind of genetics you should try the landrace genetics from my country

1. Kalamata Red : middle eastern sativa , close to Lebanese plants 

2. Cretan : Sativa dominant, lebaneze infused with central Asia indicas brought by immigrants to the island in the 1920's

3. Arcadian : Hybrid high, hash plant

4. Moliotiko : Hybrid closer to lebaneze, hash plant

Up to 1935 cannabis cultivation was legal here, there were factories that processed flower to hash and exported throughout the Mediterranean area 

All these genetics where preserved by an individual registered in Fylos and are available by "The Landrace team" and "The Real Seed Bank"


Posted : November 29, 2023 5:34 pm
Stootie, twisted1, Billy420Bonds and 2 people reacted

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@mitsos great info man, I will have to look into these 😀

~ Johncarlson21

Posted : November 29, 2023 10:17 pm
Stootie, twisted1, mitsos and 1 people reacted

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