Hey folks
Was looking at the one meringue and noticed this... looks like seed pods. Have removed to other tent until confirmation...found the pods on the ground snd vacuuming them up. Faaack
Thats male flowers mate...... is it one branch? look around for more
Yup that's pollen sacs. Probably get some seeds but if removed shouldn't ruin harvest. I would still keep her/it away from other plants.
Ps if you catch it early cut them off and spray with water. Water/moisture will make the pollen useless.
Roger that guys thanks
It is only two or 3 branches on the one and one on the second. I have removed both plants into other tent and will remove branches!
Good call on spraying everything with some water! Will do that now
Yer man turn off the fans, spray the pollen sac with water and remove them. Be vigilant over the next few days and look out for any more growing.
this gives you the kind of seed you toss 10 miles away out in afew forgotten fields and free weed for yrs
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