We're off and running. I've decided to go big on this one so we've got 13 seeds in to soak with fingers crossed we get at least a 60% germ rate as I'm no top breeder by any means so it's a bit of a lucky dip on if I get what I need if any. I'm planning on doing 2 types of bonsai training techniques and hopefully it works and they look amazing come the end of the grow.
First tray I'll be aiming to do a multi tree twist with a fair bit of heavy jining and bending with some decorative root work.
Second tray will be an attempt at doing a cannagrove with the outcome looking sort of like a miniature forest at the end of an oval tray.
Seeds are currently in to soak so will go into the paper towel in 12hrs and from there into the soli cups for a month before going into the trays to finish out the completion of the grow.
Germination cabinet/ outdoor
Vivosun VS1000 and nuclear ball
Green planet
So glad to see you have jumped in! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Sorry for the delay on the update guys, I've had one of those fortnight's you could do without but the show must go on.
So to get back on track heres where we're up to.
After thinking about it I'll be amending my choice of nutrient to just seasol. No point in using the good shit when I'm not smoking it in the end hey lol. So with that change now let's get down to what these untested seeds did on germination. Well I'm surprised to say the least out of the 13 sent for soak 9 have grown roots. The amazing thing is they stayed in a ziplock bag on top of the quantum board in some paper towel for 2 weeks
Time for these regs to find a home so I got myself a couple of small pots and some of the good stuff from the veggie garden
The 3 biggest plants got to go into the bigger pot which will become the 3 tree twist if they all make full term and the remaining 6 will be used as the grove.
The almost 2 full weeks in the paper towel didn't harm the plants but I'd hate to push it any further with the larger of the 9 already having fine hairs growing from the tap root and the first set of leaves showing apart from the water leaves.
So for the afternoon they'll sit in the warm sun on the bricks heating the soil before coming inside for the next few months while winter does its shitty thing. Hope you enjoyed this update and look forward to our next.
Just like Pearl Jam They're still alive.
It's been cold down here I won't lie but these group of misfits don't seem to care
The pot containing the 3 for the twist grow is going OK but one seems to be having a hard time getting sorted out and might not make it. If that's the case I have a contingency plan so no harm, no foul.
Now with the grove I'm not sure I got enough going on to call it a grove and couldn't get conformation on if it was OK to pop a fresh round to build the grove so I will play the hand dealt and see how it turns out....... whatever it is I'm doing lol I'm not sure yet.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a 👍. It gives us content contributors the fuzzies and let's us know our work is appreciated and in turn better content becomes created. Much love and see you next time 🤙
Not much new to report this week, growth has slowed due to cold temps and with both the cabinet and the tent running I couldn't do much about heating them. But they're destined for a life of suffering so might as well start early.... that and a constant bombardment of photons due to the light doubling as a germination mat and not being able to switch it off.
But now with everything finished up I can take them out from under the VS1000 and move them into a shady corner of the tent under the SE7000... I figure if I'm going to use that light it might as well get the most of it.
After also receiving the OK to pop a few more beans to add to the grove I though 5 would be enough so as you do you pop 8 in the paper towel. And I'll be damned but after 72hrs in the bag I opened it to find everyone of them germinated.
Lol now I've got my hands full. That's gunna be one full grove if I can keep the balance. Today they got a feed seasol and vitathrive and are spending the day in the sun on the boarding deck of the ski soaking in the winter warmth.
I'm hoping for some vigorous growth in the coming weeks so I can start on training these things into hopefully something worthy of the effort. Thanks for stopping by this week, as always much love and see you next update.
Sorry for the tardiness on my grow guys, things have been perplexing lately to say the least, very little time for myself and a few events that I could have really done without.... but every day is a new one so that's a positive.
As for the grow its still plugging along, temps have been low teens and single digits all through and growth is slow (which is perfect).
Still just feeding rainwater and the occasional sniff of Seasol gold.
They've also come off the torture train and constant bombardment of photons with the 24hr light cycle cutting back to 18/6. The thought process to this was to punish hard from the start then bring in normal growing conditions to see how they react and seeing if extending light does anything to toughen the stems up by pushing growth through light. We'll see, anyway a couple of pics to show how things are progressing.
Now I'm just waiting on the roots to fill these nursery pots then it'll be time to put everything together and at least you guys will have something other than just normal little plants to look at. Thanks for stopping by.
Sorry, sorry, been slack and not keeping this diary strictly by the rules but that's how it's rolled for me the last 8 weeks.
Would have loved to have had some awesome update for you guys but as I found out bonsai is pretty slow going lol.
Unfortunately I lost the 3 trees for the twist so that's out the window. Half the Grove kicked the bucket but I was left with this stunning beauty of 4 growing in a cup sized nursery pot.
Those look very nice and a great applicants too. I'm thinking they could even have a little bonsai in their blood??? But I'm sure they will love to play along, they just need a little persuading. And your just the guy to do it!! lol
Good luck man. Glad to see you still got your hat in the ring. 😎
Sorry guys but thats curtains for me
Best of luck to those still fighting the good fight but unfortunately the centre piece in the grove turned male and had to go, then the rest followed suit ;(...... Oh well heres to the next grow
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