Well as u know guys n girls i was about to throw the 2 gorilla glue autos away until u said give em more time.... i did n look. I have free weed lol. Its not bad considering the problems ive had. The buds are nice too not so big but im really happy with them. Thank u guys for all your support
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
Actually they look smaller on these pics lol
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
Free weed from trash, epic. Congratulations on the harvest. Homegrown weed really is the best there is, enjoy 😉
Random acts of kindness make the world a better place
@monkeydo just gotta wait a few days now til it dries to see wat it tastes like. But i gotta be fair i wasnt expecting this much and wasnt expecting the buds to be as nice as they are. Cant wait to try em lol
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
@monkeydo we can only get home grown here. I would love to try from a proper grow company tho. Im absolutely busting to try moon rocks or space rock. I dnt know wat its called there but its purple inside wen u break it n its covered in crystals 😍🤯😋
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
@shirley-boi Well done Shirley!! Nothing like having your own fresh buds
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"There are many ways to go swimming with a cat”
― Macky
Yea i really can't wait to get it dried so i can av a taste. Someone said put a joints worth on radiator to dry but il just wait til its dry. I was goint to hang it out of my bedroom window in the fresh air but just hung it in bk bedroom now with windows open
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
@shirley-boi Nice one, its some feeling havin your own stuff drying eh, before my plants were ready I was pinchin small buds and drying them on my heater, it was only small shit off the bottom of the plants that I was goin to remove anyway, it shrivelled away to about a 1/4 of the size dryin it on the heater but I hadnt had a doob for a couple of months before that, and it was fuckin amazing...even if it was a few weeks early.lol Respect for having more willpower than me well done mate
In the corridors of power where the talks are in full swing
If you can't say it with flowers Then don't say anything
@stootie yea im loving it knowing i dnt have to rely on anyone for a week or 2 lol. I was thinking shall i dry a couple of the smalles bits. The other bits ive put in a saucepan with the sugar leaves to make oil or butter for cake
One life, live it, smoke on !!!
I found an oz of Brain Damage...left on top of my drying tent and covered with a box...was all the popcorn from 1 plant but its there, bone dry and SMOKEABLE
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