Given how many people are taking to growing their own, I wondered what their prime motives are. Me ? It's primarily health and wellbeing, though I do dabble 😁
How about you ?
Time to grow old disgracefully.
@toploader I am a medical grower. Grow for Pain relief, Anxiety and Insomnia plus i like to smoke weed
but seriously ive been med free for over a year now
Sativa to change the things I can, Indica to accept the things I can’t.
I gmo (grow my own ) for a lot of reasons tbh
i am a medical user? I think there are medicinal benefits even through recreational use so in that sense it’s hard to distinguish between the two..
I do not (knowingly at least) have a serious pain condition due to severe illness which needs relief but I do have several lower level issues which I find cannabis helps.
As for things such as stress/ sleep/ diet I think it’s important to realise the cause of your stressor and try treat that, not necessarily with cannabis, but treat the cause not the symptom where possible.
Due to prohibition we are light years behind where we should be with regard to medical cannabis research/ breeding for effective medicine efficiency.. but at least we’re getting onto the right roads (USA/ Canada/ Uraguay/ Mexico / Israel etc..) with the world finally waking up to the future potential benefits of cannabis.
bit of a ramble, happy medicating
And recreating with your percy
Time to pop some more beans 😗
I've been taking CBD oil for about 12 months for my arthritis , so that's my motivation for starting to grow my own CBD and CBG strains also my wife as MS and as a lot of pain . I'm only growing to make RSO and CBD / CBG oil not interested in smoking it .
Genesis 1:29-God said, “Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds and all the trees whose fruits have seeds in them. They will be food for you.
I am medical and decided to grow my own mainly for the purity, organic, etc. I could buy it but then you don't really know what's in it, chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, etc are still being used. Just because they are government approved doesn't mean squat to me. My main use is for tremors, akin to Parkinson's which gives me high anxiety and that makes the tremors worse, viscous circle. I also like the rec side as well. 😎
We just smiled n waved sittn there on that sack o seeds
@hart that purity question is a big deal for me too. I could never have bought from an unknown source and hence had to grow for myself. Also another reason for me changing to soil growing, well that and I've come to the conclusion that coco and me just don't get along.
Time to grow old disgracefully.
Big yes for me , opiates done a number on me , the antidepressants were to calm the side effects, opium is shit for neurological pain fact , my bowels are dodgy as of 20 year of naproxen ,antinflamitories get purged not me doing that my body lol , so im left with rather a impressive script , but sounds daft but I don't take them , substituted 80% for my own home grown , edibles and flower , it is just a plus I call it my hobbie , farmer with no farm but I got 2 tents 😆 and street weed , gives you headaches , and all that gives weed a bad name
Sucking ⛽
50/50 here with an added keep my brain on the slow so I can concentrate...started as purely recreational but this 53 year old body needs help to keep up with the 25 year old mind now so as Pharma has/will never happen unless in case of great need, weed is what I need
I have had some real shit in the last 10 years and if it wasnt for the Canna, I dont think I would be on that basis, its worth its weight in RSO
Growing stops me spending ridiculous amounts of money on buying shit, early harvested, un cured weed...
Mostly medical for me but pay attention to mostly because I actually LIKE taking my meds now and that’s the recreational side, I finally like my medicine! Neurological pain from years of back abuse had me on opiates, muscle relaxers, and nsaid anti inflammatories daily. The government took the tramadol away(opiate reform), good riddance, it messed up sleep patterns if I took it at the wrong time. Developed an allergy to the muscle relaxers, and naproxen chewed up my stomach. Did some research in legal states and now the only med I am using is cannabis. It’s at least as good as the other crap with less side effects. The more I learn about this stuff and it’s various preparations and application the better it works.
The wife says she is recreational but if I was to rate it she’s at least 50/50. She enjoys cannabis to relax and unwind, a medical treatment in my opinion 😉
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