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Sick Plant 5 week into flower intravenous yellowing

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Hey All

Im having some issues with my plants and it seems to be recurring at week 5ish. This is the second run its happened on. Around week 5 im seeing intravenous yellowing on the leaves usually starting in the middle of the plant. It starts one or two then spreads and ultimately makes the plant fully yellow. I've been battling thrips so plant might be a bit stressed, also not sure why shes kinda clawing. She has burned tips so anymore fuel and she wont like it but still im seeing yellowing, not sure whats goin on...

Any ideas appreciated, here's some info that might help:

Grow medium (soil, coco, hydro):Soil

Strain:Clark Kents Armpit

PH of your nutrient solution ( Feed): 6.7

PH of the run off, or Reservoir: Unsure

EC/ PPM of Nutrient Solution before Feeding:Unsure

EC/ PPM of the run off, or Reservoir: Unsure

Nutrients Brand, and how many ML per liter of which foods: Canna Flora - 45ml in 9litres of water supplemented with Budstorm Boost (0-11-13)

Grow room temps lights on/ lights off ( On/ Off): On 26-32 (Summer here just now) Off: 24

Grow room humidity lights on/ lights off (On/ Off) On 38 // Of 43

Lighting type and wattage (hps, led, cfl): LED total 700w actual power in 4x4

Extraction (Size of Extractor, and where you draw and exhaust air from): 4 inch extractor pulling air every 15 mins

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Are you using any Calmag, I wonder it that might be what your needing, My first few grows I didn't use because I thought it was just for folk using But about 3-4 weeks into flower I think they usually need some. Im using soil too and now I usually start giving them calmag just when the flowers are starting, maybe about 1ml every 2-3 weeks even if they dont need it.

in this diary my plant was going yellow too, about 6 weeks after I flipped them, that would be about 4 weeks into flower

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Hey @Noxxy, Have a look at this, maybe you can find something in here. Like @Stootie said cal/mag wouldn't hurt, 2ml-3ml pre gal/4L every 5-7 days. It looks like your missing on a few different nutrients but really it's probably only one, like cal/mag. That's where I would start. Cal/mag helps a lot of the other nutrients to be available, so if it's out of whack then other things turn upside down.

Some nutrients are mobile and others are immobile. Depending on where there are yellow leaves at on the plant, will tell you if it's a mobile or immobile nutrient problem.

You still have time to get things straightened out, but it will take time and nothing will happen overnight. Some more pics of the plant would help, all over, complete top to bottom shots.

Without knowing the input EC or PH of the feed, that could be your entire problem. It's like target practice in the dark!

Even a PH test kit for fish tanks would be better than nothing. And is the Canna Flora for Veg? Sounds like it has N in it, you need to drop it. Stick with the Budstorm boost, and cal/mag and see what happens. I don't have a working knowledge of the Canna line so I don't know what their products are.

 I hope this helps and post your results and any other questions or problems that your having. Good luck man, you'll get through this.


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