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Sick Plant Anyone know what’s causing this?

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Just wondering if anyone could help me identify this deficiency/toxicity?

nothing too urgent but want to get it sorted as just flipped them   

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@southwestsmoker hi mate

what medium are you in btw? any recent feeds etc other changes?

what it is and how to address is hard to say exactly but looks like onset of interveinal chlorosis (paling leaves where veins stay green) - sounds bad buy just means there's something bit out of kilt... can be several reasons.. too much P, not enough Iron taken up as result, lack of drainage, zinc or manganese can all contribute to this..

i would be giving it a general feed of veg food at 1.2 ec that is pH checked to suit your medium and observe.. hope this would prevent further paling

u could also give the plant a foliar of the same instead if youve recently watered / dont wanna overwater

i get it often and see it alot - corrected ok most times 

good luck 



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@southwestsmoker mine went like that last week. I did a little spray with Epsom salts 1 3rd of a teaspoon to a spray bottle n its done the trick. Oh n i added a bit of cal mag to the feed. Im using ecothrive soil tho. Hope this helps

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Won't hurt to do an epsom salt foliar spray as well.  It will allow plant to take in that Mag through its leaves if anything is locked out at the roots due to an abundance of P or anything else going on. 

Also, if in a medium that it's possible to do so you can give them a good flush to reset anything that could be out of whack.    

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Looks like you may be starting to run short on magnesium.  Like Shonuff  said, I'd go with a foliar spray of  3/4-1tsp epsom salt per quart or liter of pH'd water when the lights go off.  If it is magnesium, you should see improvement in 12 hours and recovery in about 24.  Hope that helps!

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Thanks for the help everyone! 

Theyre in coco getting the mills line up at recommenced dosage. I’m adding cal mag and orca mycorrhizae. 

I will try flushing them and foliage Epsom salts and report back 

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If you are in coco.. what’s your current EC in and EC out? If you could list what’s in your feed too it would help. You could be looking at lockout due to nutrient imbalance. I find that the manufacturer recommended dosage is far too high on every nutrient line I’ve tried.


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Yep @monkeydo raised the important question, EC in and out and ph are usually the first things to check. As mentioned the manufacturers recommended dose is almost always too much, and you usually won't realise until you get salt build-ups in the coco and in turn comes the lockouts etc. As suggested check your input and output values as a flush may be in order, and maybe dial back the doses depending on the outcome of the runoff exam. 

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@monkeydo I do not own an EC Meter but the PH of the nutrient solution is 5.8 going in

i will try a combination of all suggestions above 

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@southwestsmoker I know everyone hates when they are told they should buy something but if you’re running coco, you really should invest in an EC meter. The EC in and EC out are the roadmap to ensuring the plant is not over or under fed. The meter I use is very inexpensive, about 15usd.

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I can’t vouch for accuracy because I’ve never had a reference to check from but it gives you a very good comparison for input vs output so you can easily see if you are over or under feeding. Over feeding can cause deficiency from lockout.

In the absence of an EC pen I’d drop my nutrient rate to 50% of the manufacturer recommended rates and see if it improves.

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@monkeydo, you know better than me, but the cal/mag is at 1ml pre L, which sounds right to me. It's the 20ml of A-B that maybe too high and is starting a lock-out. idk but is there a safe feed rate that would work without an EC meter in a pinch? Maybe along with a flush? idk, you or @Bubblehok would know. But increasing stuff all willie nellie will get your willie in a pinch. 🤣 I do know that!

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My typical dosage per 10l of RO water is 

20ml A

20ml B 

10ml start (nitrogen rich) 

2ml vitalise (silica) 

10ml cal mag 

3ml orca mycorrhizae 

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@southwestsmoker bump up the calmag a touch with RO

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@southwestsmoker Hey mate, that rate of input for A+B is fairly high, I wont even hit that input rate at full strength. 

1+2 contain nitrogen, if that Calmag is derived from calcium nitrates then you will have more nitro there, and on top you are adding more nitro via the 10ml "start".

I can almost guarantee the input EC is way above what you need at those ratios, even if the PH is bang on the high EC will cause issues. 

I would give them a good flush, dial back your input by at least 1/4 (ie 20ml down to 15ml) and being your in coco I highly suggest you pick up an EC pen, even if its just a cheap one for now to get you through this run, PH and EC are the 2 most important input factors in coco, if they are out of whack the plant will start doing strange things. 

As shit as it is to have to buy something else, for the sake of $30 you can find a cheap EC pen, they really are a necessity or you are just guessing at what is going into that feed bucket. 

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Looks like magnesium to me, as stated above. 

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Posted by: @woodi2

But increasing stuff all willie nellie will get your willie in a pinch

Yep, agreed. That’s why I like my meters so much. Without more information I’m just shooting in the general vicinity if the issue instead of the heart of the issue. I’d agree that most of the time 1ml per liter of cal/mag is fine at this stage, that’s what I generally use too. Looking at the Mills Nutrient website the manufacturers recommended rate for veg at flip is 2.63ml/liter each of A&B. These rates are generally twice as high as they need to be so it’s very possibly  might be seeing slight lockout from high nutrient levels. This used to happen in my grows a while back but once I dialed in the nutrient balance and ph controlled I  don’t see now. 


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