I first noticed this little thing when I almost stepped on it. It must have yelled at me because I looked down and saw this little feller, it just showed up. It's about 12 inches outside the compost pile. If it could have just made it inside there, it would have been in heaven. Instead, it's out in the dirt that's compiled of more rock then clay, and nothing grows well in it. The little thing looked funky as all hell, so I had to let it grow.
I put a stick next to it so I wouldn't crop it with the mower or the whacker, I came close a few times. I need to name this thing "Lucky". lol
One month later I'm looking at her and notice she's a she. I assumed she was an auto. Well, I was wrong on that one, she definitely a photo. The days must have been too short when she first came up, in the early spring. That tiggered her to start flower, but then the days got longer and she went back to her normally scheduled programing.
She's a socialite too. (lol, I pulled the grass away from her, and took the pictures, and I still didn't see the snake till I looked at the pictures. My eye balls are worn out, again.)
Fast foreward 3 months and here she is. She lives off of coffee grinds that I throw at her. I also throw banana peels that sometimes make it close to the base of the plant. But I haven't given her anything from a bottle or nothing. Just coffee grinds. She got the trash from a batch of tea I made for the other plants. Poor Cinderella. lol
And she's in flower, again. It's the proper time for her to start flowering in my region, if she's a photo, and she's proven that now.
She's a real trooper though, and she has stayed a female even with the abuse and neglect.That's a good sign of genetics. She started off with three toes (leaves) like a sloth, or Twisted's green crack, but after some coffee she is now producing five bladed leaves. She doesn't have a spot on her and she looks like she never done without either. I think she's happy. She tracks the sun with her satellite type growth tips, and it just cracks me up watching her.
So, next time your forking out all that money on your bottled nutrients, maybe try some coffee. As we keep saying here at Percy's, these plants don't need that much to do their thing.
Now, I'm just waiting for the pollen from the auto's to come across her. She might be a purebred or a mutt, but she's going to get a little pollen regardless. Adios amigo's. 🤠
The side of the side yard
big bright one outside
coffee, banana peels, apple cores, garbage
The free weed is still hangin' out. It gets rained on and blown by the wind and storms. All I do is throw coffee on her. She's developing very nicely as she gets farther into flower. She smells nice but nothing outrageous. She is still bend and still needs a stake to help hold her up, maybe she'll get lucky tomorrow.
Everything has Fing aphids, their everywhere. This plant isn't too bad yet, but the others are infested! I love controlled environments. I've tried spraying with coffee, idk, it rained afterwards.
This is from the other plants. They're just an aphids jump away. lol So garbage kid here, will be infested in no time. How are you suppose to get rid of bugs, when your surrounded by bugs? Oh, bother. lol 🖐️
How are you suppose to get rid of bugs, when your surrounded by bugs?
How about adding some more bugs, if you got some predator bugs patrolling the branches all jacked up on caffine that might help, you'll maybe need to tether them to the stem so they dont run away tho 😆
She looking good man, hopefully the aphids stay on their own side of the street and don't bother her too much 🙂
Well speaking about infused coffee... lol, I sprayed the hell out of ALL the plants last night. I used strong coffee, a little over a half gallon, and some dish soap. I added the dish soap this time so that maybe it help the coffee stick around a bit longer.
Last time, I used a hand pump spray bottle. Well, F that, my poor little hand was exhausted by the time I was finished. This time I got the right tool for the job, my spray equipment. I've sprayed a lot of things and pushed a lot of different products through these guns, so coffee and soap will be a breeze. And faster too!!! lol
I'm guessing that they'll need a second application, maybe a third. I haven't looked at them yet this morning but I'm not expecting too much. But FC!!!
I was able to get up and in, and down below and all around, everywhere. Then I did it again!! hehe. Garbage Kids got sprayed too, all with the riff raff shown above.
P.S. Garbage patch kid got a stick to lean on. See, I do have a heart, and a stick. 🖐️
Hey, she back and she's bugless. Free weed, is growing strong. She's about 4ft tall and wide. There's not one burnt tip or yellowing leaf on her. I'm still throwing her my coffee grinds and banana peels. She gets water when it rains, and it hasn't rained in awhile. If she starts to droop, I guess I'll give her water. She must have some deep roots.
Here's Mystery plant from months ago, it was also infested with aphids, but after two spraying with strong coffee and dish soap, there no more aphids.
This one has yellowing leaves. With yellowing lower leaves, it's one of two things, if not both. If the yellowing, dying leafs pulls off easily it's a nitrogen deficiency. It the leaf holdes on tight, even when it's dead it's a potassium deficiency. This one is potassium. I'm giving a water soluble P.
See ya next time.
Back with Garbage Patch Plant, she's starting to swell nicely. The last 3-4 days, I noticed she was putting on some weight. Her buds are growing longer and fatter. I stopped feeding her coffee grinds as she's got very slight brown tips on her leaves. Her color is text book perfect as is her build and structure. She a good size plant at about 4x4x4. She must have some deep ass roots because it hasn't rained in awhile and everything else is drying and dying. I gave her water once but that was a couple weeks ago. She's not thrist, at least not yet.
I made a tinkle jug. This plant is growing on a steep hill, so if I do water her, it all runs down hill. I took a plastic 1 gallon jug and made a pin hole in the bottom. Then I made another hole in the cap, so it will siphon. I fill it with water, I keep my finger over the bottom hole and I place it next to the plant. It slowly tinkles on the plant and there's no lost water from runoff. Fill the jug again if she needs more water. Eazy-pezy man.
She likes the west the best. Her west facing side is the biggest.
I might spray her one more time with the coffee mixture, just to keep the critters off of her. I can also spray her off before harvest and then she'll be washed after harvest.
cya next time. 🖐️
We're still living on coffee grinds and banana peels and still hangin' out. I think she's around week six. But don't bet the farm Martha. 🤠
No signs of bugs since the coffee spray.
She's getting closer everyday. Her white hairs are turning a little bit red, but mostly they are starting to suck in, and crinkle. I like it when they do that. That means they're getting close. Even without any rain in over two weeks, when I did give her water, she started throwing yellow leaves from too much water. Damn thing is a camel, or she's tapped into the water table??? lol
This last pic is the main cola. Any of the others would have made a very nice main cola. She smells purple. Very grape like.
For a no name, wild plant, she's not looking too bad. (day 60 of flower, don't forget)
I'm thinking a bird flew over and shit out a seed of this purple stuff, just to fuck with me. Damn, birds. lol 🤠
There were finally some heavy rains last night, and yes we needed them. But, I knew somebody wasn't going to like them very much. This morning she's upside down and looking like a complete mess. Her buds are big and heavy, but luckily she didn't split off any branches. The amount of weight she's carrying is impressive, so wind and rain aren't her cup of tea.
I tied her up the best I could. I used soft copper wire around the branches, very loose. Then a string back to the post and on to another branch, if the string is long enough.
She looks like she has aged a LOT, after last night. Her buds look much darker and her hairs are turning quickly. Her heavy buds bobble in the wind like everythings on springs. She shakes like a big bowl of jelly.
I'm really hoping she stays together. Then, I really hoping she stays dry until chop. I'm really hoping for a lot, I know. But, a fella can hope. lol
She'll never be the same. But she tied up, now let's see what happens next.
She had everything pointing in the rigth direction too. Damn it. Now she's all cattywampus, and then some.
Hang in there baby, the finish line is close!!!
Day 62 of flower.
Her heavy buds bobble in the wind like everythings on springs. She shakes like a big bowl of jelly.
Beautiful job painting that picture! 🤣 What a looker she is for a garbage patch kid. Nice work man.
Her first pictures were taken on April 4, and she was a couple weeks old then. That's when I found her. She has been growing now for 7 months, if my fingers are correct. Today was day 72, of flower, and she got the axe early this morning.
We had a very nice cool/cold night last night and it was prime time to chop. The scope said to chop. The calendar said to chop. All the planets were aligned properly, so what the heck, let's chop.
Now, let's have a small memorial for her big, fat, knobby, buddy, butt. 😆
Not too bad for a free, no name plant.
She's just a big ole country girl, and she's got seeds to boot.
I'm changing my name to Free Weed Willy, if these keep coming back. 🤣
Stay tuned for the clean up session. 🖐️
lol, tell us how smoking the free willy weed tastes. 😉 Good job mate, hope it doesn't give you a fungal infection in you throat. Damn, I got one of those for going down on a random girl once! My fucking girlfriend came to stay with me for the week, a few days later too, before I have finished my anti-fungal medication, LMAO! We were in different cities at the time so didn't see here too often at that point!
Big Badass Bud Washing, 101.
So I wash these buds first with sodium bicarbonate, (baking soda), then lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Finally a rinse in clean water. Here's how it all went down.
First bucket of three, has the baking soda in it at 1-2 gram per liter of water. For myself, I weighed a teaspoon of baking soda and it weighed 5.55 grams, so I had to do math after that. lol Each bucket has 4 gallons of RO water. I used 4 tsp of baking soda in 4 gallons of water. This is the abrasive.
Second bucket contains 1% solution of lemon juice. Now if you are a mathematical Wizkid like myself, that means 10ml per 1 liter. So 4 gallons/16L would be 160ml of the Juice. Along with that I added H2O2, (3% hydrogen peroxide). Once again, the amount came to be 1%, so 10ml per liter of water.
After looking around the web for the cleaning recipe, I found many, but I settled on this one from Spliff's web site. I don't know much about this subject but their idea seemed to make the most sense. I'm aware of the usual recipe but I liked their opinion on this subject. Feel free to check it out but the skinny of it is, not to mix the baking soda and lemon juice together, like we've been told all these years. The reason is they neutralize each other out.
So, I made the first bucket, the baking soda bucket. After shoving the big ass buds in that solution and swishing them around for a minute, I remove them and let them drip dry for a second or two, before I plunge them into the lemon juice and H2O2. After letting them swim around in there for a moment, they drain and get shoved into the final rinse of clean water.
The idea is to use the sodium bicarbonate as an abrasive, to help scrub thing lose. Then, the lemon juice and H2O2, will react will the baking soda in a foaming action, (maybe) to help loosen any dead bug bodies, that may be lodged in those big beautiful buds. lol
Then, rinse away everything with a final rinse in clean RO water. Life is now good. 😊
No action pics, but this is the aftermath.
I'm using this beautiful day to to hang and dry outside. It would be cool to leave them out here for a few days since it's not suppose to rain and the dew point is in the basement atm.
But, I will put them in the shop were the humidity is super low and I'll put a fan on them too. Drying is like cooking a steak, I like to sear them first on the outside with dry, moving air, to put a dry outer crispy coating on them. Then as they dry over the next couple weeks I will raise the humidity to slow down the drying process. You want it to be as long as possible, 14 days is the target. I will start them at 50% RH with air movement and increase to 60%, without air movement. The air movement to to help keep the rot away, but I'll have to disassemble these buds to make sure.
That's what happened at the WoodI2 place today. It's time to bring them all in now and I'll thin them out tomorrow. Have a good one. 🖐️
There's nothing like getting high on mother nature's supply. It looks more like 19 or 20 plants hanging there. lol
Nice job man she's an absolute beast. Good luck with the drying 🙂
Hey, she's done hanging and she's done drying. I started off with a very dry environment, 45% and a low powered oscillating fan for the first 3 days. I increased the humidity to 50% after about 5-6 days. I would switch off the fan for 12 hrs and switch it back on. Anything to slow the process. I ended with the humidity at 55% and very little fan action.
I trimmed and filled 6 plastic tubs with her. She smells good and a taster bud proved that she is tasty and kicks real good!! Now, I'll let the burping begin.
Total weight, of free weed, 733 grams. Thank you very much.
She was breed with, Cream Candy auto, reversed pollen, S2, and she's a photo. So her seeds are mutts, lol, but might contain something interesting. Definitely worth keeping.
I'm going to burp this batch, and then I'm going to turn her into hash. After that, I'm going to turn that hash, into edibles.
Let's see if this plan works out. 😎
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