Knowing how to store cannabis seeds properly will extend their life and make them viable long into the future. If seeds are not stored properly, it can take just a few hours to kill them and make them nonviable. But if you store them properly, they can stay viable for years, maybe even decades into the future.
Whenever you buy cannabis seeds, there is a good chance you will get some freebies along the way. You can also win lots of cannabis seeds in our cannabis growers forum. Before you know it, you have more seeds than you know what to do with.
So in this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about storing cannabis seeds properly. From the containers you put them in, to the environment they are stored in, everything is covered here. So let’s begin by explaining why you need to store cannabis seeds properly.
Why Storing Cannabis Seeds Properly Matters
Storing cannabis seeds properly will keep them alive and viable for longer. Seeds are living organisms, and if they are not stored correctly, they will die. Changes in temperature, humidity, even the amount of light the seeds get can make a difference to their longevity.
Cannabis seeds can be expensive too, so you don’t want to waste any by not storing them properly. Also, you may have seeds of a prized strain, like an old-school Blue Cheese or Jack Herrer. You really want to make sure they stay viable for as long as possible so they can be germinated long into the future.
So to make sure you’re not wasting money, killing seeds, and losing some amazing genetics, you should make sure you store your cannabis seeds correctly. Here are a few things you can do to do that.
Optimal Storage Conditions for Cannabis Seeds
Pretty much, cannabis seeds should be kept in a cool, dark place with stable temperatures and humidity. Seeds will lay dormant until the conditions are right for them to germinate. Every time the conditions they are in change, they will use some energy to essentially check if it’s time to germinate. If the conditions are right, the seed will germinate; if not, the seed will remain dormant.
Every time the seed does this, it uses up some of the small amount of energy it has stored. If it uses too much, it will not be able to stay viable and will die. So keeping your seeds in a stable environment is crucial to giving them longevity.
Temperature for Storing Cannabis Seeds
A stable temperature is crucial for maintaining the viability of cannabis seeds. Temperatures like 6-8°C (42-46°F) are said to be the most ideal, but the most important thing is stability! A little cooler than this is fine, and a little warmer may be too. You just have to make sure it doesn’t change too much. Fluctuations in temperature can cause seeds to deteriorate more quickly, so it’s important to keep them in a stable environment. There are a couple of ways you can do this.
A common method is to store seeds in a refrigerator. This will provide a consistent, cool temperature. But again, fluctuations are a problem. If you store them in a fridge, do not store them in the door.
Keep them deep in the fridge where the air is less likely to be disturbed, so the temperatures stay stable. If you have a big collection, it might be worth getting a fridge just for your seeds. The fridge at home will be opened numerous times a day. Stability is key! If this is the case, get a small fridge just for your seeds.
Dark Cupboards/Closets: If you don’t have a refrigerator to store seeds, that is fine. Just find a cool dark place and store them there. Again, the temperature being as cool as possible is ideal, but the fluctuations are the most important thing. Put them somewhere where the temperature won’t fluctuate too much. At the back of a dark cupboard/closet or drawer will be fine.
Humidity for Storing Cannabis Seeds
Humidity can work both ways. Too humid, and the seed may become mouldy and you may get seed rot. In extreme circumstances, they may even germinate! On the other hand, if the seeds are stored where the humidity is too low, they may dry too much and die.
Maintaining the right humidity level is important. Aim for a relative humidity level of around 10% for optimal storage. But again, fluctuations are something you need ot look out for. Anywhere around 10% humidity is fine. But so is 9% and so is 11%. Just make sure it doesn’t keep fluctuating.
Silica Gel Packs:
Use silica gel packs or other desiccants to control humidity. These can be placed in the storage container with the seeds to absorb excess moisture. If they absorb a lot of moisture, just replace them to make sure the air in your storage container stays dry.
Rice Hulls:
You can place a few grains of white rice in with your seeds to help keep the humidity at a stable level. This is a nice, easy, and cheap way to reduce humidity in a container. But if you are storing many seeds, in a big container, it is best to use silica packs/ desiccant’s.
Storing Cannabis Seeds in the Dark
Cannabis seeds should be stored in a dark place. If they are exposed to light too much, they can germinate too early, and they will degrade a lot faster than if they were kept in the dark. To store your cannabis seeds properly, they should be in a cool, dark place, or in a light-proof container. If you do not have a light proof container, simply store them in a dark place like a drawer or closet.
Opaque Containers:
Store seeds in opaque containers that block out light. Dark glass jars or plastic containers work well for this purpose. But you can not see inside these containers to check on seeds and look for mould or rot. If possible, store the seed in a transparent container, but in a dark place.
Store in a Dark Place:
You can store seeds in baggies, seed vials or glass jars, but they need to be stored in a dark place. Usually, some kind of closet or drawer is suitable. Try sorting seed in different containers, labelling them well and storing in a drawer similar to this one!
Air Exposure
The seeds should be kept in airtight containers. This will not only keep the humidity at a stable level, but it will stop any pathogens from getting into the seeds and killing them.
Seed Vials:
You can buy lots of seed vials online for very cheap. They seal airtight and are big enough for many seeds, and some rice grains too to help keep humidity stable.
Vacuum Sealing:
For long-term storage of lots of seeds, consider vacuum sealing them. This method removes air and provides an airtight environment, further protecting the seeds.
Storage Methods
Now deciding how to store your cannabis seeds will depend on whether you want to store them for just a few weeks/months, or if you want to store them for years. For most of us, we use seeds often, and will only need to store them for a short amount of time. Maybe a few weeks, or months.
Alternatively, you may have gathered a huge collection of lots of seeds that you may not germinate for years. In this case, you should consider long-term storage solutions. It all depends on how long you need to store them for.
Short-Term Storage of Cannabis Seeds
If you plan to use the seeds within a few months, simple storage methods will be fine. Put the into plastic baggies, or seed vials and store them in a dark cool place:
Plastic Bags: Store seeds in small plastic bags with a silica gel pack to control humidity. Store these in a cool, dark place.
Seed Vials: You can get seed vials in lots of different sizes that can hold anything from 5 seeds to 100. Unlike bags, seed vials are sturdy, so seeds inside them are less likely to suffer accidental damage.
Dark Drawer or Cabinet: Place the bags or seed vials in a dark, cool drawer or cabinet away from direct light and heat sources. Only disturb them if absolutely necessary.
Long-Term Storage of Cannabis Seeds
For long-term storage (more than a year), you should consider airtight containers in a dark cool place that isn’t going to be disturbed for months at a time:
Glass Jars: Place seeds in airtight glass jars with silica gel packs. Ensure the jars are either opaque or stored in a dark place. Personally, I prefer to be able to see my seeds. So I like normal glass jars. These are then stored in a dark place.
Refrigeration: Store the sealed jars in the refrigerator. Preferably a small refrigerator just for your seeds, not the fridge you use every day in your kitchen. This will give the seeds a stable, cool environment for a long period of time.
Freezing Cannabis Seeds
Freezing cannabis seeds is an option some people use. But for everyday normal home growers like us, it is not needed. You can store seeds for many years in a fridge and they will stay viable. Freezing cannabis seeds can damage them if not done correctly. You can freeze them of course, but consider the following before you do so:
Moisture Control: Ensure seeds are completely dry before freezing. Use desiccants to remove any residual moisture. If the seeds are too wet when they are frozen, the moisture will damage them and kill the seeds.
Vacuum Sealing: Vacuum seal the seeds to protect them from moisture and air. Place the sealed packages in the freezer. But make sure the seeds are properly dried before freezing them.
Thawing Before Germination: If you do decide to freeze your cannabis seeds, make sure you allow them time to thaw out slowly before germinating. Leave them at room temperature for at least 24 hours before germinating them.
Additional Tips for Storing Cannabis Seeds
Here are some tips that will help you store your cannabis seeds properly to increase their longevity and viability.
Avoid Frequent Handling: Minimize handling of seeds to prevent physical damage and exposure to oils and contaminants from your skin. Use clean, dry tools or gloves when handling seeds if possible. If you don’t need to handle them, then don’t do it!
Use Multiple Containers: If you have a large collection of seeds, consider dividing them into multiple smaller containers. This way, if one container is compromised, the rest of your collection remains safe. Don’t put all your eggs in one basic is the classic saying.
Periodic Viability Checks: If you’re storing lots of seeds for many years, consider germinating a few seeds from time to time to check viability. This can help you monitor the effectiveness of your storage methods and make adjustments if necessary.
Stable Environment: Store seeds in a place with minimal environmental fluctuations. Avoid locations that experience regular changes in temperature or humidity, such as near windows, heaters, or air conditioners. Do not Disturb them!
Desiccant Refreshing: Regularly check and refresh the desiccants (silica gel packs or rice grains) in your storage containers to ensure they continue to effectively control humidity. If they saturate too much moisture, simply replace them with fresh ones.
Avoid Direct Sunlight: Direct sunlight can quickly degrade the viability of cannabis seeds. Always keep them in a shaded, dark place to protect them from light exposure. Sunlight can be the most damaging, but keep them out of light all together if possible.
By following these additional tips, you can further ensure the longevity and viability of your cannabis seed collection, making sure you have healthy, viable seeds whenever you’re ready to grow.
If cannabis seeds are stored correctly, they can be germinated after decades of storage! By controlling temperature, humidity, light, and air exposure, you can preserve your seeds for future use. Whether you’re storing for the short term or the long haul, following these guidelines will help you get the most out of your cannabis seeds.
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@Aadam6om6….Time for a small refrigerator? 😊