How to Make Medical Cannabis Capsules.

With the rise in use of medicinal cannabis around the world, more and more people are making their own medicines with Medical Cannabis Capsules.

Making your own medical cannabis capsules will give you full control of the dosage of cannabinoids. It also has a very high bioavailability, which can be as high as 80%. This means you are getting the most out of your medicines!

To help with the bioavailability, mix cannabis oils with a Carrier oil. For a guide on which carrier oil is best for you to use, see our guide on Carrier oils.

If you need any help with making your own cannabis oil capsules, then feel free to ask for help in our cannabis growers forum

What Do you Need to Make Medical Cannabis Capsules?

Other than the cannabis oil, or Rosin, all of these ingredients are easily sourced online. I encourage you to make your own cannabis oil from your own grow! This will ensure you know the weed is safe.

Cannabis oil ( RSO/ BHO)

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Using a concentrate of cannabinoids, will give a more accurate dosage in your medical marijuana capsules. 1g of pure THC or CBD, can be used for the most effective dosage.

Size “00” capsules for cannabis oil

Size 00 capsules will hold 1g of your medical marijuana oil. The dosage in the capsules will depend on the concentration of the cannabinoids.

Sunflower liquid Lecithin

Sunflower Liquid Lecithin will help your cannabinoids emulsify with your carrier oils. It will also carry the cannabinoids to the brain faster. Lecithin is a substance found in all living things. It is found through out your entire body in your cell membranes.

Carrier oils for Medical Cannabis

Using Cannabis oil without a carrier oil will decrease the bioavailability of your medicines. If you took, for example, 1000mg ( 1g) of pure cannabis oil. After it has been processed by your liver, you will only receive around 200mg of the active ingredient.

Adding a carrier oil, will increase the amount of cannabis that is let into your bloodstream. The bioavailability will increase all the way up to 80%! This means for the 1000mg you consume, you will get 800mg of the active ingredient into the blood stream.

Different oils, will have different effects. Some are good for medicinal uses, other better for recreational. Find out what carrier oil is best for you here:

Percys guide to Carrier oils

Dosage or Medical Marijuana Capsules

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After you have chosen your carrier oil. You will need to decide on the right dosage. Take the tolerance level of the person taking the capsules, into account. The high can be very intense if you have mixed the medicine too strong. We recommend starting at the lowest dose, and making your way up, if you are not a regular cannabis user.

20:1 is good for a regular medical cannabis user. Start here, and make your way up. If the person taking these capsules are brand new to cannabis, and has never use cannabis before, start at 40:1 just to bring in a slow level of tolerance, without the high becoming uncomfortable.

40:1 = 1g Cannabis Oil + 32g Carrier oil + 8 g lecithin

41 Capsules = 25mg cannabinoids per capsule

20:1 = 1 g Cannabis oil + 16 g carrier oil + 4 g lecithin

21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 g Cannabis Oil + 8 g carrier oil + 2 g lecithin

11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 g Cannabis Oil + 4 g carrier oil + 1 g lecithin

6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsules

How to make Medical Cannabis Capsules

1: Once you have decide on what dosage you are going to make, mix your cannabis oil, with your carrier oils. Use a glass bowl, and sit it on top another bowl of warm water. The warm will help the oils will mix together better.

2: Add the lecithin, and mix well. Keep the solution warm, as this will keep the oils more fluid, and will encourage them to mix together easier.

3: After a good stir and a mix, place the bowl, into the fridge for about 12 hours. Then take the oils, and stir them again. Mix well! Then, return to the fridge for another 12 hours.

4: Take your oil from the fridge and bring it back up to room temperature. It will be much easier to handle. Take a syringe and suck up, 1g of oil at a time, and fill your capsules.

How to use Medical Cannabis Capsules

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Start a new cannabis user on the lower dosage. 3 capsules a day. This dosage, will give 25mg of cannabinoids. and with bioavailability taken into account, 20mg of that will be taken in with each dose.

Increase the dosage once a week, until you reach the dosage of 167 mg. Continue taking the capsules 3 times a day.

Medical cannabis is said to help with many health problems. Only by testing the dosage can you work out what level is right to treat your particular problem. Start at the lower dosage and make your way up. Taking a strong dose if you’re a new cannabis user can sometimes be uncomfortable. Take it lightly, and build up tolerance. Medicinal cannabis can be a good safe effective medicine, but don’t underestimate how strong it can be.

Thanks for reading! You can find more information on anything related to growing in our cannabis grow guides. All of our guides are written by experienced growers, and members of our cannabis growers forum. If you have any questions, sign up. It is free, and we are always happy to help!

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