Top 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Cannabis

In this article we will cover some common mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis. Growing cannabis can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but sometimes things will go wrong and it can make the whole experience frustrating

So to make the process of growing cannabis not only more enjoyable, but more rewarding at harvest time, we will cover what we think are the top 5 most common mistakes growers make. Hopefully you will be able to identify if you are making any of these mistakes and you can fix them. 

Overwatering, or Underwatering


One of the most common mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis is overwatering their cannabis plants. This mistake is most common in soil grows. You see, soil is a little different from hydroponic mediums, it needs to be watered and then left to dry for a few days before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, nutrient deficiencies, and stunted growth. To avoid this mistake, allow the top layer of the soil to dry out before watering again. Use your finger to check the moisture level and water only when necessary. You may also use moisture detectors, this will make the process much easier.

However, a big mistake some growers make is underwatering. Though this is harder to do in soil grows, it is very easy to underwater plants growing in hydroponic mediums like coco, rockwool, perlite and hydroton (clay pebbles). Hydroponic mediums need to be kept wet at all times, you can not let them dry out. If they dry out they will get what is known as an “EC spike”. The water evaporates and leaves salts behind from the nutrients. As the water evaporates, the EC of the medium gets higher. You need to keep the EC from spiking by keeping the medium moist at all times. This is a very common mistake for new hydro growers. You can not over water hydro mediums, keep them wet at all times. 

Poor Nutrient Management


Proper nutrient management is crucial for healthy cannabis growth. It is very common for growers to feed their plants too much. It is probably the most common mistake new growers make. Most nutrient companies not only want you to use a lot of nutrients, but they also design their nutrients for plants that grow fruits and vegetables. Cannabis doesn’t eat a lot compared to these types of plants, so it uses a lot less food. 

Always begin your nutrient regime at around ¼ of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Note down the EC of the solution and water your plants. Then monitor the EC of the run off (water coming out of the bottom of the pot). 

For the best results you should see the EC of the runoff being a little lower than the EC of the nutrient solution before watering the plant. For example, if the nutrient solution is 1.2 EC before feeding, you would prefer to see the ec coming out between 1.0 and 1.2 EC. If the EC is much higher than 1.2, for example, 2.0, it means you’re feeding the plant too much. If it comes out much lower, like 0.5, it means you’re not feeding the plant enough. Monitor the EC of the nutrients and then run off until you find balance. 

And always remember, it is easier to fix an under fed plant than it is to fix an overfed plant. Go light on nutrients and increase if necessary. 

Ignoring pH Levels

pH levels play a vital role in nutrient uptake and plant health. Neglecting pH levels can lead to nutrient lockout, preventing plants from absorbing essential nutrients. Cannabis prefers a slightly acidic pH range between 6.0 and 7.0 if grown in soil, and 5.8-6.2 if grown hydroponically.

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Use a pH meter or pH testing kit to monitor the pH of your water and nutrient solution. If the pH is off, adjust it using pH-up or pH-down solutions. Maintaining the correct pH level ensures optimal nutrient absorption and healthy plant growth.

This is one most overlooked mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis. Some growers who grow in soil may assume that they do not need to monitor the pH. And to some extent they are right. A good soil should buffer the pH of the water or nutrient solution, but unfortunately, this isnt always the case. To make sure your plant is sitting in a medium that is the right pH you should check your pH regularly. Both in soil, and in hydroponics mediums. 

Lack of Patience and Observation

Growing cannabis requires patience and regular observation. It is said that “the best nutrients for a plant is the farmer’s shadow”. So spending time with your plants is crucial. The more time you spend with them, the more likely you are to spot issues like bug infestations and nutrient deficiencies. So spend as much time with your plants as you can. 

At the same time, new growers can be impatient with many things. It is important to never rush into anything, and always take your time. If you find a bug, or nutrient issue with your plant, do not rush into treating it. First get some help in our cannabis growers forum and make sure you give the plants the right treatment. 

Also, one of the biggest mistakes growers make is harvest their plants too early. Don’t waste months of work harvesting your plants too soon. Harvesting at the right time will not only improve the yield of your plants, but it will also improve the potency, and taste of your buds. If you need to, leave the plant 2 more weeks longer than you think. And again of course feel free to ask for a second opinion in our cannabis growing forum before harvesting. We are always happy to help. 

Poor Harvest Timing

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Harvesting your cannabis plants at the right time is crucial for maximizing potency and flavor. Wait too long and you risk bud rot, mold, mildew and even hermaphrodite plants. Cut too soon and the potency and flavor of the buds will be affected. 

Do some research on how to tell when a cannabis plant is ready for harvest. Take a close look at the trichomes using a jeweler’s loupe, or a usb microscope that is between 60 and 100 x zoom. Look at the heads of the trichomes. You want to see more than 90% of them being milky, this is a good sign that they are at peak production. 

But this isn’t the only way to tell if a cannabis plant is ready for harvest. Take some pictures of the plant and upload them on to the forum so we can help. It is always a good idea to get a second opinion. You are not alone with your grow. In our cannabis forum we have hundreds of experienced growers who are always happy to help each other get the best out of their grow. So don’t miss out, ask for a second opinion in the forum when harvest time is close. 


Avoiding common mistakes is key to successful cannabis growing. By understanding and addressing the mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis discussed in this article you can set yourself up for a rewarding and bountiful harvest. Remember to observe your plants closely, make adjustments as needed, and provide them with a suitable environment to thrive. 

Do you think we may have missed some mistakes out here? Let us know in the comments below! It would be great to get a list of common mistakes from the community. We all make mistakes, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Share your mistakes with your fellow growers so we can all learn from each other. 

Thanks as always for reading. I hope this article is useful to you. 

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